You love to sing "Les marionettes" with Nanou and you know the hand gestures that go along with the song. You never forget to clap and cheer for the person singing with you.
Climbing is your new favorite thing to do. You love to sit in your big Tonka truck or Duke's toy box and ride your cozy coupe.
You LOVE to spend time outside. We have parties in your outdoor playhouse, water plants together and much more.
You love Duke and you think it's so funny to feed him your leftovers after a meal.
Your entire body shakes in excitment when you get to watch The Wiggles!
You still LOVE your books and you are so cute when you go to your room for some reading time. You aren't using words yet but you sure know how to "read" those books!
Daddy is your favorite person in the world and your eyes sparkle when you see him.
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