He weighs 23.6 lbs (58%) and measures 31 inches (84%). His head is still in the 94% and we joked that it must be a sign of intelligence. Ha!
He got three shots but he didn't get the seasonal and H1N1 vaccines because the doctor was waiting on a shipment of them. So we will go back for that as soon as possible. (Hopefully before our germy flight to Belgium in four weeks!)
I gave him whole milk for the first time today and he liked it. Dr. Tran had warned me that it might take a while for Luke to like it but it seems like he doesn't mind it at all.
Luke pèse 10,6 kg and mesure 79 cm. Sa tête est toujours aussi grosse mais ça doit certainement être un signe d'intelligence! hihihi!
Il a reçu trois vaccins mais pas celui contre la grippe normale ni H1N1 car le médecin attend d'en recevoir. On devra donc y retourner dès qu'il en reçoit!
Je lui ai donné du lait entier pour la première fois aujourd'hui et il a aimé. Le docteur m'avait dit que Luke n'aimerait peut-être pas directement mais je pense que ça ne sera pas un problème.
1 comment:
YaY lUKE!!!! What a big boy! So handsome!
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